Member Associations

Our Strong Allies

European Gay & Lesbian Sports Federation

We have been a member of the European Gay & Lesbian Sports Federation (EGLSF) since 1999.

The EGLSF is an umbrella organisation representing about 10.000 gay and lesbian athletes in 150 member clubs all over Europe. As an officially recognised non-profit organisation, the EGLSF also lobbies for gays and lesbians in the European Council.

The EGLSF licenses its member clubs to organise the EuroGames. The next EuroGames will take place in Lyon in 2025 (23. – 26.07.2025)and 2027 in Cardiff, Wales.

More information about EGLSF at

EuroGames Lyon 2025

Bayerischer Landes-Sportverband e.V.

The Bayerische Landes-Sportverband e.V. (BLSV) is the umbrella organisation of sport in Bavaria and acts as spokesperson and representative of the interests of the clubs and professional associations.
Through cooperation with social groups and organisations, with politics, science and the state, the BLSV makes a significant contribution towards shaping the framework conditions for sports operations and club life.

The BLSV promotes regular and orderly games and sports activities of its professional associations as well as the organisation of joint events. Its work also includes educational work with adults and young people beyond the scope of sport. For its members in the clubs, the BLSV offers insurance cover.

As a training centre for coaches, trainers and athletes, the BLSV runs a modern and generously designed sports school together with the Bavarian Football Association. The BLSV informs its members via the association’s magazine “bayernsport”.

In the sports in which Team München participates in tournaments and leagues, we are also members of the corresponding professional associations, such as the Bavarian Volleyball Association, the Bavarian Football Association, the Bavarian Handball Association, the Bavarian Badminton Association and the Bavarian Table Tennis Association.

Federation of Gay Games

Team München has been a member of the Federation of Gay Games (FGG) since 2009, where we now also have a voice. The FGG, based in San Francisco, is the umbrella organisation that awards the GayGames World Games. The aim of the FGG is to make gay and lesbian sports visible in the world by holding the Gay Games and thus improve human rights for gays, lesbians and transgender people. Participation, inclusion and personal best are the motto of the FGG.

The next games will be held from 27th June to 4th July 2026 in Valencia, Spain. Registration is open under

For more information visit